Repotting perfectly happy succulents
April 3, 2016: Happy Sunday! The time has come to bit the bullet and separate the two succulents that have been living happily …
April 3, 2016: Happy Sunday! The time has come to bit the bullet and separate the two succulents that have been living happily …
April 1, 2016: Happy April all. 😊 Time to repot the new zamioculcas plant I brought home from IKEA a couple of …
March 30, 2016: Hmmm…think my sedum nussbaumerianum and echeveria black prince needs to be repotted? It’s been ten months or so since I began to …
March 14, 2016: It’s been a few months since I first completed my Urbio Wood Plaque. But only a few short weeks …
March 11, 2016: So…how are the dried boxwood doing in the space (after I cut and arranged them in the wall planter …
March 9, 2016: I completed the bedroom headboard wall makeover that I launched into when we returned from the lake a couple …
February 28, 2016: Continuing with my big push to complete as many projects as possible before returning to work tomorrow, I focused …
February 15, 2016: I found myself working from home today due to the awful, wintry weather we are suffering through in the …
February 1, 2015: I ran into a minor dilemma when bringing an armful of flowers and plants into our condo this evening. …
February 1, 2016: When I walked into the Safeway after work tonight, I fully intended to march through the floral department and head …